Statue in bronzo

Statue in bronzo

Cell. 347 8536226 - 347 0936764 - 347 5753967


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LB 114 BR - Settimio Severo h. cm. 77 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 115 BR - Gallieno h. cm. 76 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 116 BR - Antonino Pio h. cm. 78 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 118 BR - Tito h. cm. 78 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 119 BR - Vespasiano h. cm. 78 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 121 BR - Alessandro Severo h. cm. 75 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 122 BR - Domiziano h. cm. 75 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 123 BR - Caligola h. cm. 77 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 125 BR - Luigi XVI h. cm. 74 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 132 BR - Crepuscolo di Michelangelo h. cm. 70 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 133 BR - Moliere h. cm. 80 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 134 BR - Costanza Bonarelli h. cm. 63 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 140 BR - Montesquieu h. cm. 80 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 141 BR - Alessandro Magno h. cm. 75 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 142 BR - Pericle h. cm. 79 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 143 BR - Torquato Tasso h. cm. 70 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 144 BR - Madre Teresa di Calcutta h. cm. 82 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 145 BR - Napoleone Bonaparte h. cm. 76 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 146 BR - Gabriele D'Annunzio h. cm. 72 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 147 BR - Nietzsche h. cm. 74 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 148 BR - Dante Alighieri h. cm. 74 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 149 BR - Jphann Sebastian Bach h. cm. 78 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 150 BR - Leonardo da Vinci h. cm. 88 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 151 BR - Napoleone con cappotto h. cm. 76 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 152 BR - Degrelle h. cm. 80 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 153 BR - Benito Mussolini h. cm. 78 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 154 BR - Vittorio Alfieri h. cm. 80 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 69 BR - Atena di Arles h. cm. 61 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 78 BR - Diocleziano h. cm. 77 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 61 BR - Coriolano h. cm. 76 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 85 BR - Abacuc h. cm. 65 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 110 BR - Giunone h. cm. 75 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 109 BR - Ippocrate h. cm. 62 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 58 BR - Davide h. cm. 52 - Busto in bronzo.

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Statue in bronzo

Statue in bronzo

Tel. 011 9251369 - Cell. 347 0936764 - Cell. 347 5753967


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